About The Awards

Wells City Council values the contribution shown by individuals, groups and businesses to the service of the local community.

By submitting a nomination, you are helping ensure that those who make Wells a great City are given the recognition they deserve.
The nomination categories are:

Citizen of the Year: A person who has made an important contribution through their work in the community.

Volunteer of the Year: Someone who has given their time voluntarily for the benefit of the community.

Community Organisation of the Year: A voluntary organisation delivering a service to the community.

Business of the Year: A business which has supported or worked with the community.

Senior Sportsperson of the Year: Someone aged 18 or over who has had an impact in the world of sport.

Junior Sportsperson of the Year: Someone aged under 18 who has had an impact in the world of sport.

Young Person of the Year: Someone aged under 18 who has given their time to support the community.

Environmental Champion: An individual/business/organisation that has demonstrated a proactive approach to environmental issues.

Extra Mile Award: Someone who has gone above and beyond in providing a service to the community.
Nominations Section

Nominations are limited to 1 per award, per Wells resident. In order to ensure this, we will require the following information...

Question Title

* 1. Please provide us with the following information:

Question Title

* 2. Nominee for 'Wells Citizen of the Year'

Question Title

* 3. Nominee for 'Volunteer of the Year'

Question Title

* 4. Nominee for 'Community Organisation of the Year'

Question Title

* 5. Nominee for 'Business of the Year'

Question Title

* 6. Nominee for Wells 'Senior Sportsperson of the Year (18 or over)'

Question Title

* 7. Nominee for Wells 'Junior Sportsperson of the Year'

Question Title

* 8. Nominee for Wells 'Young Person' of the Year (under 18)

Question Title

* 9. Nominee for 'Environmental Champion'

Question Title

* 10. Nominee for 'Extra Mile' Award

Question Title

* 11. If your nominees are selected, we may need to contact you either by Telephone or Email for further information. Please print in the boxes below. If you do not wish to be contacted, simply leave these blank.