Western Trust Health Visiting Service during COVID19

Health Visiting in COVID19

Your feedback is extremely important to us. This is a survey about your experience with your Health Visitor during the COVID19 period and how we can improve the service for the future. Taking part in this survey is voluntary and will not affect your care. Your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence and you will not be identified in the results.
1.Where do you live?
2.Do you know where/how to access health visiting services?
3.Did you have any difficulty in accessing your Health Visitor during this period?
4.Reason needing service (tick all that apply)
5.Did you mind your Health Visitor wearing PPE on the home visit?
6.Were you aware of the Parents Helpline?
7.If yes, did you use this service?
8.How did you learn about the Helpline?
9.Reason for use (Tick all that apply)
10.How satisfied are you with the service you received through the Helpline?
11.What age is your baby?
12.Did you receive a telephone call from a Health Visitor during the COVID19 period?
13.If yes, was this for developmental review or support?
14.How satisfied are you with the service you received?
15.Were you sent electronic resources?
16.Did you find these helpful?
17.Did you send the Health Visitor any photos/video clips to help with support for your child?
18.How satisfied are you with the service you received?
19.If you were experiencing low mood, were you able to discuss your feelings with your health visitor over the phone?
20.How would rate the care and support you received?
21.Was there anything particularly good about the care that you received?
22.Was there anything that could be improved?
Current Progress,
0 of 22 answered