You are being invited to participate in a study looking at the relationship between mobile phone use and attachment. The following information explains to you what the study involves and why it is being carried out. This may help you decide if you would like to participate in this research project. If any information is unclear or if a certain aspect has not been covered feel free to ask questions before deciding if you would like to participate.
What is the purpose of the study?
This study is being carried out as part of a course. The main aim of this research is to examine mobile phone use in dangerous or inappropriate situations and how attachment may influence these behaviours. Past literature in this area has found that attachment plays a part in an individual’s behaviour towards their mobile phones (Konok et al, 2016). Other research has suggested that this may be because people see their mobile phones as extensions of themselves as they are able to communicate and broadcast their thoughts through the device (Belk, 2013). Another study has also examined individual’s behaviour towards their mobile phone when driving and how it relates to attachment. It was reported that attachment style played a part in if people would answer their mobile phones whilst driving (Bodford et al, 2017).
Why have I been invited?
You have been invited to take part in this research because we are recruiting participants over the age of 18 within the general population.
Do I have to take part?
The study is voluntary and it is your decision if you would like to participate in this research. This sheet will go through all the information you need to know to help you decide if you would like to participate.
What will happen to me if I take part?
You will be asked to consent to take part in the study by clicking ‘I agree’ or ‘I disagree’. You will then be directed to a series of questionnaires which ask you about your mobile phone use, behaviour towards your mobile phone and questions about attachment. The study should take approximately ten minutes to complete. Once you have finished the survey you will be directed to some debrief information again explaining the aims of the study and information regarding how to get in touch if you have any concerns.
Expenses and Payment
The study does not have any real benefit to you but it does further our understanding of attachment to mobile phones and behaviours surrounding this.
What will I have to do?
If you consent to take part in the study, you will be directed to a survey that asks about your mobile phone use, the behaviour you have towards your phone, attachment and attachment style. You will then be given a debrief form again explaining the rationale behind the study. This should take no longer than ten minutes.
What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?
There are no anticipated disadvantages or risks in taking part in this study. The questionnaires are designed to explore mobile phone use and attachment.
What are the possible benefits of taking part?
There are no real benefits of taking part in this research but it does help us further our understanding of the relationship between attachment and mobile phones.