CEIAG Parent Survey - Autumn 2019
Which year group is your child in?
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13
Have you attended a careers event with your child? E.g. Year 9 options evening, careers guidance interview, Careers Convention?
Yes (please specify)
Other (please specify)
If you answered 'yes' to question 2, how would you rate the event you attended?
Very high quality
High quality
Neither high nor low quality
Low quality
Very low quality
Has your child has a 1:1 careers guidance appointment with a Careers Adviser?
Don't know
If your child has had a 1:1 careers guidance appointment, how did they feel about their experience?
Do you think parents would like to be informed of their child having an 1:1 careers guidance appointment …
Before the appointment
After the appointment
I don't think parents need/want to know
Other (please specify)
Has your child engaged in any of the following careers education activities?
GCSE Options Evening
Year 9 Careers Education in PSHE
Year 9 World of Work Day (with speed networking with employers, and meeting someone from University)
Year 10 Workplace/Employer Visit
Year 10 Careers Education in PSHE
Year 10 'Your Future, Your Choice' Careers Day (with mock interviews)
Year 10 Futures visit to Kimberley College
A visit to a University
Careers Assemblies with Mrs Ashby
Careers Assemblies with Post-16 education providers
An apprenticeships workshop
A 1:1 careers guidance appointment
A careers parents evening appointment
Careers Insight Talks - from employers
Year 12 - Careers Education in PSHE/Tutor sessions
Year 12 - finding a work experience placement workshop
Year 12 - Next Steps Day
Year 12 - a week of work experience
Year 12 - speed networking with undergraduate students and apprentices
Year 13 - Careers Education in PSHE/Tutor sessions
Careers Convention
Introduction to Higher Education talk
Introduction to Apprenticeships talk
Student Finance talk
Other (please specify)
How do you rate the careers education activities at Wootton Academy Trust?
Very high quality
High quality
Neither high nor low quality
Low quality
Very low quality
How do you think the careers programme at Wootton Academy Trust could be improved upon?
If you would like to discuss your answers with Mrs Ashby (Head of Careers) please leave the name of your child and your name/contact details here.