Have Your Say on the Voluntary Sector Service (VSS) 2018
Voluntary Sector Service
The Voluntary Sector Service (VSS) is a part of the Care Forum and works across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
The VSS promises voluntary, community and social enterprise groups and commissioners that they can count on us for specialist, strategic health and wellbeing intelligence to improve inclusion, understanding and collaboration.
This survey aims to check people’s understanding of our service and make sure we are providing the most effective services we can. We want to know how useful our services are for local organisations and to find out if there are any changes we could make that would be helpful for local groups.
Please give your view on the questions below. The third question is to understand your knowledge of the VSS team, you can go into as much, or as little, detail as you like.
From the fourth question your answers can be rated on a scale of 1-5. If you would like to expand, any other information you have would be extremely useful and you can leave a comment in the box below each question.
Please rate the questions below on a scale of 1-5.
With some of the questions we have asked you to individual rate the different kinds of information we produce (Ebulletins, Info Sheets, twitter and website).