Welcome! This survey has been created to explore the impact of Bible engagement. Your answers will help shape the future development of Biblica's resources, making Bible engagement more accessible and meaningful. Thank you.
1.Today, the Bible is available and used in different formats. What formats do you like to use? (Select all that apply)
2.How often do you use the Bible?  Please consider Bible use to include reading, listening to, watching, praying with or using Bible text or content in any form, whether printed or electronic.
3.What impact, if any, has engaging with Scripture using this app had on your attitudes and behaviors in the following areas?
Greatly increased
Neither increased nor decreased
Greatly decreased
Belief that the Bible is relevant to everyday life
Confidence in how to read the Bible
Ease of understanding the Bible
Frequency of Bible reading/listening
Commitment to follow Jesus Christ
Your self-worth/value
Helping people in need
4.Some of Biblica's apps contain reading plans. If the app you have been using does, have you engaged with them?
5.Which of the following best describes your relationship with Jesus Christ?
6.How old are you?
7.What is your gender?
8.What religion or faith tradition were you raised in, if any?
9.We would love to hear more about your experience engaging with the app.  Please share your feedback and any other comments below.
10.If you would be interested in receiving some follow-up questions to help us explore Bible engagement in more depth, please provide your email address below.
(Details on how we use and safeguard your personal data can be found in our privacy policy notice
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