Your views matter!

Thank you for taking part in this important survey which is part of a wider study to explore experiences of Diabetes and Diabetes care in South London. This survey is created by Mabadiliko CIC, we are passionate about advocating for the needs of our communities. You can find more about us by visiting our website

You are eligible to take part in this study if you are an adult (18 years old +), who lives in South London and has lived experience of Diabetes (either yourself or someone in your home or family).

Your anonymous responses will be collected and kept confidentially by Mabadiliko CIC. No personal information will be shared with the NHS or any other organisation.

You will be able to withdraw from this study at any time up to 2 weeks after you complete the survey without providing an explanation. 

If you meet the eligibility criteria and complete this survey, you will receive a £10 One4All gift voucher which can be used at up to 130 different high street stores and restaurants. We will ask for your email address so that we can send you your voucher.

If you have any questions, want more information about how your responses will be used, or want to withdraw from this study please email

There are no right or wrong answers, so please be as open as you can and tell it how it is!

In solidarity, the Mabadiliko CIC team.
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8% of survey complete.