AccessHE Creative Forum - Outputs Survey Question Title * 1. It was suggested at the most recent Creative forum (29 November) that the timescale for outputs should be extended to 2018-20. Do you have any objections to this? Yes No OK Question Title * 2. Please vote on your 'top 3' from the output ideas suggested in recent forums. We will take forward the 'top 3' choices actively in the next forum(s). Creative EPQ project Research of entry requirements for WP students CPD output: activity about how teachers can use Creative Apply Guide and additional resources to support their young people, possibly engaging London NCOP CPD output: skills-based CPD activity for developing skills that can be taken to the classroom e.g. print design, with networking, possibly engaging London NCOP CPD output: Careers panel comprised of industry professionals, current students, alumni in member HEIs to discuss pathways / personal journeys, possibly engaging London NCOP CPD output: Cultural CPD activity (possibly in collaboration with Cultural Education Partnership in Barking/Dagenham) for teachers, parents, students OK DONE