Peterborough Celebrates Festival - Visitor Survey

Thank you for coming along to the first ever Peterborough Celebrates Festival, 13th-15th May 2022. We hope you had a great experience and we’d love to hear what you think. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.
1.How did you hear about the Festival?
2.Which day did you come to the festival? (tick all that apply)
3.What is the main activity/reason that encouraged you to come today?
4.How did you come to the festival?
5.What did you think about the following aspects of the Festival? (Select the option that best describes your experience)
Very Good
Very Poor
N/A/ Unsure
Festival atmosphere
Overall enjoyment of the festival
Range of performances
Quality of performances
Range of food and drink
Quality of food and drink
Range of activities to get involved in
Quality of activities to get involved in
Range of community tent stalls
Quality of community tent stalls
Festival site set-up (access, signage etc)
Festival Parking
Helpfulness of staff and volunteers
Facilities at the festival (toilets, info points etc)
6.Please use the comment box below to tell us more about your experience at the Festival, or any other comments you want to give.
7.Would you like to see another Festival like this at Ferry Meadows?
8.Have you visited Ferry Meadows before?
9.So we can tell how far our visitors have come for the festival, please enter the first 4 characters of your postcode. For example: PE2 5.
Thank you for your time in completing this survey. Your responses will be very useful for future event planning.