Have your say

The Safer School Streets for Frome project has been working with many people locally, to explore ways to make the streets around Avanti Park School, Bright Stars nursery, Critchill School, Oakfield Academy and Trinity First School, safer and easier for people to walk, cycle or scoot in the area.
The scheme will be trialled for an 18 month period starting Spring 2024. Click here for further information.
We are asking residents to complete this short pre-trial survey to understand your views on road safety and active travel and to help us assess the impact of the project.
The nine short questions below should take no more than 5 minutes to answer and there is space at the bottom for your comments.
Your participation is anonymous and no personal information will be shared or stored outside of Frome Town Council. If you have any questions, please contact Owen King at: oking@frometowncouncil.gov.uk

Question Title

* 1. Have you previously heard about the Safer School Streets for Frome initiative?

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* 2. Which School Streets Zone do you live closest to? (Select more than one if they are equally close or if you are unsure.)

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* 3. in relation to personal travel in your neigbourhood, please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
The roads in my neigbourhood are safe for pedestrians
The roads in my neigbourhood are safe for cycling
Conflict relating to road use in my neigbourhood is a significant issue
The roads in my neigbourhood are too congested with traffic
I enjoy walking or cycling in my neighbourhood
Traffic speeds in my neigbourhood should be reduced
I have noticed that air quality in my neigbourhood is poor

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* 4. Do you own a car? (including leased cars.)

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* 5. What is your usual way of travel for short journeys within Frome (less than 2.5 miles)?

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* 6. How often do you usually use the following types of transport?

  Never 3 days a month or less 1 day a week 2-3 days a week 4-5 days a week 6-7 days a week
Walking / wheeling (including scooting and using a wheelchair)
Cycle (pedal or ebike)
Motor vehicle (e.g. car, van, lorry, motorbike, scooter, moped)
Bus / coach
Car club / lift share

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* 7. Would you like to travel actively more often? (e.g. walking / wheeling / cycling / scooting)

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* 8. Which, if any, of the following get in the way of you travelling actively more?

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* 9. Do you support the Safer School Streets for Frome initiative?