Chester Cycling Survey Questions for Adults Questions 1 to 14 are focused on Adults and should be answered by Everyone. OK Question Title * 1. Do you live or work within 5 miles from the centre of Chester? Yes No OK Question Title * 2. Do you own a bicycle? Yes No OK Question Title * 3. Do you already cycle? (please tick all that apply) For leisure? For shopping? Commuting to school/college/work No OK Question Title * 4. Do you own a car? Yes No OK Question Title * 5. What is your employment status? (please choose one) Employed/self-employed/voluntary work Student/school pupil Not working/retired OK Question Title * 6. Are you a parent with school age children? No Yes OK Question Title * 7. Roughly, how often have you cycled in the last year? (please choose one) Every day 3-6 days a week 1-2 days a week Fortnightly Monthly Once or twice in the last year Not in the last year OK Question Title * 8. Is this more or less than the previous year (please choose one) More Less The same OK Question Title * 9. Why do you cycle/why would you like to cycle? (choose all that apply) Health and fitness Leisure activity Cut down on pollution/climate change Family activity Commuting Convenience I am not able to cycle I am not interested in cycling OK Question Title * 10. What is the distance from your home to place of education / work / regular destination (please choose one) Less than 1 mile 1-2 miles 3-5 miles 6-10 miles 11-20 miles More than 20 miles Not applicable/work from home OK Question Title * 11. What, if anything, could encourage you to cycle more frequently to your place of education / work / regular destination? (please choose all that apply) I already cycle when I can Secure cycle parking at destination Improved showers and changing facilities Information on cycle routes Advice or training for on-road cycling Safer cycling routes More cycle routes I do not have access to a bicycle Nothing could encourage me OK Question Title * 12. Is there a road, or junction that deters you from cycling in or around Chester (please specify) OK Question Title * 13. Is there new cycle infrastructure (dedicated cycleway or bridge, improved junction etc) that would ensure that you cycled more around Chester? OK Question Title * 14. I agree that my anonymised data can be used by Cheshire West and Chester Council (please choose one) Yes No OK NEXT