Community Governance Review Survey

A Town Council for Barrow?

Barrow Borough Council would like to know if you support the creation of a town council that covers the whole of the unparished area of Barrow? 
Why Now?
Local government in Cumbria is being reorganised, which means that from 1st April 2023 Barrow Borough Council will cease to exist and all its functions will transfer to a new council called Westmorland and Furness Council which covers Eden, South Lakeland and Barrow.
What is a Town Council?
A Town Council is the same as a Parish Council. Part of the Borough already has a Town Council (Dalton with Newton TC) and two Parish Councils (Lindal and Marton PC and Askam and Ireleth PC).
Why consider a Town Council?
A town council gives residents a say in what happens in the town. It has a wide range of powers including managing allotments, parks and play areas, it can organise festivals and events, have a say in planning and give grants to local groups. It can also organise projects in the town and access different sources of finance aimed specifically at parish or town councils.  
Barrow Borough is the only area in the new Westmorland and Furness Council that does not have a Town or Parish Council.
Barrow Ward Members on Westmorland and Furness Council will continue to give a voice to the Borough too, in areas where the Town Council has no powers to act such as highways, social care, environmental health.
What will a Town Council cost?
Town and Parish Councils raise money through the Council Tax.  This is called the precept. For example, if the precept is agreed at £20.00 per Band D household (raising £323,165 for the council per year), the charge for a Band A property will be £13.33 a year and the charge for a Band B property will be £15.56 per year per household.
You can help us decide by completing this survey.
If you would like more information before completing this survey, please visit our website:
Please complete the questionnaire before the closing date of the consultation on Thursday 14th April 2022
1.Do you think that having a Town Council for Barrow would do any of the following?

(please select all that apply)
2.Would you be in favour of creating a Town Council for the whole of the unparished area of Barrow?
3.If you answered no to the question above, would you be in favour of creating  alternative arrangements for your neighbourhood or community in Barrow (for example a smaller Parish Council, separate to the Town Council)?
4.Do you think a Parish Council, covering your neighbourhood or community would bring benefits?
5.Would you be willing to pay more through your Council Tax for a Town or Parish Council? (see estimated costs for a Town Council at the beginning of this survey)
Thank you for taking the time to make your views known.

 What Happens Next?

This consultation is part of Stage One of a two-part consultation process.  The public consultation closes on 14th April 2022. 

What you tell us will help us make draft recommendations to Barrow Borough Council.  In Stage Two of the public consultation, members of the public will have the opportunity to tell us your views on the draft recommendations.

Barrow Borough Council will take the further comments from the public into account before it makes its final recommendations.
About You
6.What is your gender?
7.How old are you?
8.Please provide the first four digits of your post code