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Industry respondents

The State of the Nation is the DTG's annual data-driven analysis of the digital TV industry. Your responses, along with those of more than 2,000 consumers across all TV viewing demographics, will set the benchmarks, set the trends and set the direction of future innovation, technologies and policy.  

An important elevator pitch to Government, investors and international partners, the report also sets out the value the UK contributes as a world leader in the sector.

This survey should only take five minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 1. Do you believe the level of digital TV innovation being pioneered in the UK is -

Question Title

* 2. Please score these areas of potential focus for digital TV innovation in the UK (1=low potential, 5 = high potential)

  Low potential 1. 2. 3. 4. High Potential 5.
Integration of broadcast and IP services on TV sets
Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality
Sports TV technology
Addressable advertising
Automated techniques for adapting content to multiple screens
AI and Machine Learning
Optimising the TV experience on mobile devices
Sound technology
Ultra HD (UHD)
Improvements in picture quality
Universal search and discovery of content
New TV content formats
Broadcast via 5G
User Interface

Question Title

* 3. Please state to what level you agree with these statements about potential threats to the digital TV innovation sector in the UK (1= Strongly disagree, 3= Neither agree or disagree, 5= Strongly agree)

  Strongly disagree
2. Neither agree or disagree
4. Strongly agree
Further innovation in broadcast will be sidelined in favour of a move to streaming
Funding of innovation is available only if a clear return on investment is anticipated
The trend towards streaming means standards will be increasingly developed outside the UK
The key innovations in TV broadcast are now in place and so future work is relatively minor
The current absence of mandated switch-off/switch-over deadlines for broadcast services (eg Standard definition on DVB-T) is limiting UK innovation
HD is sufficient for television broadcasts
New video coding standards are essential to support streaming services
Innovation in broadcast technology should be abandoned in favour of progressing improvements in IP-based delivery
The key technical innovations in streaming services are now in place and so future work is relatively minor
5G broadcast delivers an IP-based future for television services

Question Title

* 4. Should the UK TV industry continue to innovate and develop new technology, or instead utilise existing standards and technologies already available?
(Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = utilise existing standards, 3 = use both and 5 = focus on innovating new technologies)

Question Title

* 5. How important is it to you that everyone in the UK has access to free, national and geographically relevant television in the future (this is currently provided by public service broadcasters such as BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, and News outlets including Sky News and GB News)?
(Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 = not important at all and 5 = very important)

Question Title

* 6. Which areas should the industry focus upon to ensure the UK sustains a national television proposition that remains relevant and unique against the backdrop of a global content ecosystem? (Please select no more than 3)

Question Title

* 7. Which areas should the industry focus upon to ensure it is ready for a fully IP future? (Please select no more than 3)

Question Title

* 8. Please score the following areas where additional industry efforts could be placed to improve consumer viewing experiences when watching television. (1=limited industry effort required, 5 = significant additional industry effort required)

  1 2 3 4 5
Better picture quality
Aggregation of streaming apps and services into one place
Personalised viewing experiences
User interface & search and navigation
Consistent streaming experience
Voice control and voice search
Improved audio experiences
Improving programming and content
Advertising technology

Question Title

* 9. Which of the following do you think are most important to consumers while viewing? (Please select no more than 3)

Question Title

* 10. Sustainability: How important is establishing a baseline set of metrics to fully quantify the end-to-end comparable energy usage across both broadcasting and streaming services? (Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 = not at all important and 5 = very important)

Question Title

* 11. In your opinion, which segment of the broadcast delivery chain could make the most gains in reducing environmental impact?

Question Title

* 12. Content delivered in higher resolutions and at higher frame rates uses more energy.  What ceiling should be set, if any, on TV resolution to help accurately define (and meet) sustainability targets?

Question Title

* 13. Where is your company HQ located?

About you

Question Title

* 14. Which industry sector do you work in?

Question Title

* 15. Please indicate your name, job title and company. Your responses will never be shared or attributed to you personally or to your company (OPTIONAL)

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