Quality Improvement in Health Partnerships Survey


Health Partnerships are increasingly utilising tools to improve the quality of health services. The potential for shared learning is significant. We are collating examples of quality improvement tools and resources used by Health Partnerships to highlight the importance of this approach in supporting low and middle-income countries (LMICs). We will showcase selected examples submitted through this survey in a future WHO Global Learning Laboratory for UHC webinar and at the THET conference.
What is Quality?

Quality in relation to health care is the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.

What is Quality Improvement?

Several definitions exist but for purposes of this survey we will use the following definition:

Quality improvement is the action of every person working to implement iterative, measurable changes, to make health services more effective, safe and people-centred.
What are we trying to improve?

The tools and resources collected on quality improvement can be focused on improving healthcare processes and systems and, sometimes, clinical practice with the ultimate aim of improving health outcomes.

Please keep in mind this definition of quality improvement as you respond to questions. We are very grateful for your responses. 
1.Could you provide examples of quality improvement tools, resources or training methods that you have used through your Health Partnership?
2.Could you provide examples of quality interventions that you have applied through your Health Partnership?
3.Did the intervention lead to a measurable improvement in the quality of processes or health service outcomes? Was the improvement activity sustained? Was the intervention scaled up to other parts of the system?
4.Would you be prepared to work with THET to develop your examples into a case study? If so please share your email address or preferred way of being contacted.
Current Progress,
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