Please note these questions relate to warehouses, distribution & e-fulfilment centres 

Question Title

* 1. Please enter the following details (all responses will be totally anonymised):

Question Title

* 2. What type of warehouses are you responsible for? (please select all that apply):

Question Title

* 3. Which of the below best describes the sector in which you operate? (please select all that apply):

Question Title

* 4. Is your business a :

Question Title

* 5. What are your current annual warehousing costs?:

Question Title

* 6. What level of the following Warehouse Automation does your company already have in operation?:

  Zero Low level Some High level
Full pallet putaway & retrieval
Case or item putaway & retrieval
Product movement within warehousing using conveyors
Product movement within warehouse using robots
Product sortation systems
Individual case or item picking systems
Vehicle loading / unloading
Pallet wrapping

Question Title

* 7. What level of capital costs have you already invested in the above automation?:

Question Title

* 8. Please rate the significance of the following benefits seen from your current investment in automation: 

  Zero significance  Low significance Some significance High significance
Cost savings
Greater productivity
Improved job satisfaction / morale amongst staff 
Better ability to meet customer demand

Question Title

* 9. Please rate the importance of the following reasons for considering any future investment in automation in the foreseeable future:

  Zero importance  Low importance  Some importance High importance
Increasing operational efficiency
Increase in complexity of future operations?
Concerns over warehouse staff availability / costs
Increasing capability to meet future growth
Increasing capability to meet changes in the marketplace
Increasing flexibility to meet peaks in demand
Increasing capability to meet shorter customer lead times
Improving space utilisation

Question Title

* 10. Please rate the following key concerns when considering any future investment in automation:

  Zero concern  Low concern Some concern High concern
Level of investment required 
Reducing future flexibility 
Previous industry experience of automation issues
Uncertainty over future requirements 
Return on investment achievable 
IT systems complexities
Risks associated with implementation
Current staff losing their jobs 

Question Title

* 11. Please rate the following areas of priority if you were to invest in automation in the foreseeable future:

  Zero importance Low importance Some importance  High importance 
Full pallet putaway & retrieval
Case or item putaway & retrieval
Product movement within warehouse using conveyors
Product movement within warehouse using robots
Product sortation systems 
Individual case or item picking systems 
Vehicle loading / unloading 
Pallet wrapping 

Question Title

* 12. What level of investment in automation would you envisage from your company in the next 5 years? :

Thank you for your participation.