Factsheet Survey

We welcome feedback on the information we produce. If you have any comments or suggestions about our Factsheets we would like to hear them. Please help us by completing this short questionnaire.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following statements is most appropriate to you?

Question Title

* 2. Which Factsheet are you giving Feedback on? (please supply the number, or copy and paste the link to it so that we know which one you are commenting on)

Question Title

* 3. Please choose the options which are most appropriate for the Factsheet

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree
The information provided was clear
The layout of the Factsheet was good
The information provided was useful
The Factsheet provided a better understanding of the topic
The Factsheet helped me to find further information

Question Title

* 4. Is there any aspect of the topic you would like to read about in more detail?

Question Title

* 5. Is there a topic or subject which you would like to be included in our range of Factsheets?

Question Title

* 6. If you wish, please enter you contact details 

If you wish to discuss any aspects of the Factsheets, especially if you disagree with any of the information contained within them, we really want to know.
Please feel free to contact us at info@mndscotland.org.uk, or by telephone on 0141 332 3903, as we are keen to improve our information at all times.