Public Harassment Survey Public (Women)

What are we looking for?

We are looking from contributions from women about their experiences of public harassment, whether they think that women's experiences differ from those of men.  What they think of potential criminal offences and the use of educational campaigns aimed at men, to tackle the issue.  We are also interested in whether women change their behaviour to avoid public harassment, and if so, how they might use public space if they did not have to consider public harassment.  Finally, we are interested in what changes women think are necessary to make public spaces safer for all.

Women can also contribute a photo, taken by themselves, or a piece of writing or music, already in the public domain, which conveys to them, how they might use public space without having to consider public harassment.

Why are we looking for contribution from women? 

We are putting together an exhibition on Public Safety and Public Harassment at NTU in 2023. This will inform current projects at NTU, research reports and academic publications on what needs to happen to make public spaces safer for all, particularly women and girls.

What happens if you choose to take part?
Your contribution will form part of a body of data used in an NTU exhibition and research report, and academic publications to outline what changes are needed to make public spaces safer for all, particularly women and girls.

What else do you need to know before taking part?

Your contribution will be kept anonymous and provided with a unique identifier and stored in an NTU password protected digital file on an NTU password protected university computer to which only the named university researchers have access. At the end of the survey, you can provide additional consent to take part in a prize draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher. You will need to provide an email address if you wish to take place in the prize draw.  Email addresses will be kept secure and stored in a separate NTU password protected file on an NTU password protected university computer to which only the named researchers have access.  Your email address will only be used to contact you if you are successful in the prize draw.   Once the research is finished and published, the data will be stored for 10 years on an NTU password protected archive and then destroyed.

Please note, that whilst the above steps will be taken to protect confidentiality, direct quotes, testimonies, and any uploaded photos may be used in publications and in the exhibit. This may mean that full confidentiality cannot be guaranteed as participants (despite being anonymised) may be identifiable from photos/groups/quotes/testimonies
Who can I contact if I have queries about the research? 

Professor Loretta Trickett 

James Walker

Nisan Alici

Extra support
If you feel upset after you have submitted your contribution, perhaps because of some of the things the topic raises, then please see the link below for an organisation that offers support:

Samaritans have a free phone line that is available 24/7 so you are able to call at anytime if you feel down or just need to talk to someone.
Website: Contact Us | Samaritans
Helpline: 116 123

Question Title

* 1. I consent to participate in this study.  I confirm I am over the age of 18 years.

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* 2. Which age bracket do you belong to?

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* 3. What is your gender

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* 4. Please specify your ethnic origin

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* 5. Have you ever experienced harassment in a public space?

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* 6. If yes, was this by a man or a woman?

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* 7. If you have answered Yes, to Question 5, please provide details of the type of public harassment and where it took place

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* 8. Do you think there are differences in the way that women and men are harassed in public spaces

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* 9. If you have answered yes, to Q8, please explain what the differences are

Question Title

* 10. The Government is looking to introduce a criminal offence of Public Harassment.  Do you believe that this will reduce public harassment, especially against women and girls.

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* 11. Please explain, your choice of answer to Q10, (Yes or No)

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* 12. Are you aware of educational campaigns aimed at men, to reduce public harassment of women and girls i.e., NTU's 'Changing Minds Comic', or Police Scotland's 'Don't be that guy'

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* 13. Do you believe that such educational campaigns are likely to be helpful in reducing public harassment of women and girls?

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* 14. Please explain your choice of answer to Q13, Yes or No

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* 15. What do you think are the reasons behind public harassment of women and girls?

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* 16. Have you ever altered your behaviour in public space to avoid harassment?

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* 17. If you have answered yes to Q16, please explain the behavioural alteration

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* 18. Would you use public space differently, if you did not have to worry about potential harassment or abuse?

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* 19. Please explain your choice of answer to Q18, either Yes or No

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* 20. If you have answered Yes, to Q18, please provide a personal testimony of how your life would change if you did not have to worry about potential harassment or abuse in public space.

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* 21. If you have provided a personal testimony under Q20, you can also upload a photo that you have taken yourself, or a link to a piece of writing or music that is in the public domain, which helps convey to you what a world without worry about potential harassment or abuse in public space would be like.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 22. Please note that personal narratives under Q20 and photos taken by you, that you upload, under Q21 may be selected for inclusion in an exhibition and event at NTU on public safety, with particular emphasis on the safety of women and girls, in 2023.  Please indicate below whether you give additional consent for your personal narrative and any photo taken by you, to be included in such an exhibition.

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* 23. If you have uploaded a photo taken by you, with other people in it, can you confirm that you have obtained their permission for it to be uploaded, and potentially used in the exhibition and any subsequent publications?

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* 24. In your opinion, what changes need to happen public spaces safer?

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* 25. Thank you for taking part in this research.  Your contribution is important.

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* 26. Please indicate if you wish to take part in a prize draw, for the chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher

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* 27. If you have indicated under Question 17, that you do wish to be included in a prize draw for the chance to win a £50 Amazon zoucher, then please provide an email address

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* 28. Please note all email addresses will be securely destroyed after the prize draw has taken place