Quick survey for those interested in attending activity groups for adults at risk of social isolation in County Durham

We are trying to establish need for activity groups for those living with dementia, mental health difficulties, bereavement, or any other risk for social isolation.  This is a short survey of 10 questions, your input is much appreciated, thank you.  If you are interested in a professional capacity, please see our survey for professionals here.
1.Are you
2.Before the pandemic, did you attend any group activities?
3.Would you like to attend a new group now?
4.What measures would make you feel safer (tick all that apply)
5.If all your preferred measures were taken, which areas would you be able to access a weekly group (tick all that apply)?
6.What decade do you or the person you care for feel more attached to?
7.What activities do you enjoy (tick all that apply)?
8.Would you be willing and in a position to contribute financially to an activity group you were attending?
9.If you were to attend a group, how would you be contactable (tick all that apply)?
10.If you would like us to contact you please tell us how
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered