Membership Application Form Please complete the form below with as much information as possible. Question Title * 1. Surname Question Title * 2. Forename(s) Question Title * 3. Title Question Title * 4. Post-nominals Question Title * 5. Address Address 1 Address 2 City/Town County Post code Country Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 6. Date of Birth Please select Date Question Title * 7. Marital status (optional) Question Title * 8. Professional details Profession Position (current or most recent) Company (current or most recent) Question Title * 9. Proposer (if none, type N/A) Question Title * 10. Seconder (if none, type N/A) Question Title * 11. School / University Question Title * 12. Club Societies and interests - please tick to register interest(please note that upon a successful application only, your contact email will be forwarded to the ticked Society Chair/s for contact purposes) Arts Group (£20 annual surcharge) Golfing (£30 annual surcharge) Horse Racing (£20 annual surcharge) Number 9 (£20 annual surcharge) Shooting & Fishing (£30 annual surcharge) Younger Members (aged 18-40 only) Book Clubs Dancing events Music events Snooker Question Title * 13. Other hobbies / interests Question Title * 14. Membership of other Clubs Question Title * 15. Membership qualification (a) - Born in Scotland (b) - Direct Scottish descent (via Parent / Grandparent, or being the child of a Member) (c) - Married or in Civil Partnership with a Scot (d) - Educated in Scotland (e) - Scottish Landowner (f) - Lived in Scotland for more than 5 years (g) - Worked in Scotland or employed by a Scottish company/business (h) - Role in Scottish public life ie armed services, government, charitable bodies (i) - Association / Empathy with Scotland and its culture Question Title * 16. If (b) was selected, please confirm your descent Parent/s born in Scotland Grandparent/s born in Scotland I am the child of a member None of the above (in which case please change membership qualification from (b) Scottish descent to (i) Empathy with Scotland) Question Title * 17. If (i) was selected, please describe Association / Empathy with Scotland Question Title * 18. Please provide a brief statement on your reasons for wishing to join The Caledonian Club Question Title * 19. How did you hear about The Caledonian Club? From a Member Online / Website Word of Mouth Other (please specify) Question Title * 20. GDPR regulations: To comply with the above regulation (GDPR) we must obtain your permission to hold your personal data on file while you are in membership of The Caledonian Club. The data you have supplied in your application form and any subsequent forms will only ever be used by the Club to contact you regarding matters of the Club and will in no instance be passed or sold on. I hereby give permission for the Caledonian Club to contact me using any reasonable means during my time in membership. I agree to the use of any images of myself being used by the Club for Club literature only when taken at an event at (or connected to) the Club. I agree that in the event of leaving the Club my information may be held by the Club for a period longer than 6 years but no more than 50 years for historical purposes. Question Title * 21. Declaration I declare that the above information is correct and, in the event of my election to Membership, undertake to abide by the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Club, present and future, during the term of my Membership. Question Title * 22. Date Please select Date Submit