Metering Shortages and Supply Chain Challenges
Electricity Market Impacts
Elexon Request for Information (Issue 97)

1.Name of respondent
2.Which organisation are you responding on behalf of?
3.Which option best describes your organisation's role within the electricity industry?(Required.)
4.Risk of Metering Equipment, component availability and supply chain challenges impacting your operations by equipment and activity category. If your organisation is not involved in one of more of the equipment or activity categories please answer “N/A” rather than “No Impact”(Required.)
February 2022
Forecast next 3 months
Forecast next 6 months
Forecast next 12 months
Current Transformer (CT) Metering
Advanced Meter Read (AMR) Whole Current Metering
Smart Metering
Smart In Home Display (IHD) & Communication Hub
Meter Faults Requiring a Meter Exchange, Central Volume Allocation (CVA)
Meter Faults Requiring a Meter Exchange, Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA)
New Connections, Central Volume Allocation (CVA)
New Connections, Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA)
5.Are there any other risks/impacts you have identified of these challenges not included within the matrix within question 4?