Dumfries & Galloway Youth Council - Expression of Interest

Dumfries & Galloway's brand new, regional Youth Council will be launching in 2019! 
Following the same timeline as the Scottish Youth Parliament Elections, young people aged 12-25 are able to nominate themselves as a candidate until October 31st 2018. After this deadline, we'll be hosting training and information sessions across the region for candidates to come along, meet one another and find out more about what the role involves. 
The Youth Council will be made up of 2 elected representatives from each of the 12 ward areas in the region. As well as this, there are 7 spaces for young people who identify as: 

Young Parents, LGBT Youth, Young Carers, Care Experienced, Gypsy/Traveller, Ethnic Minority Youth or Young People with ASN.

There will also be four spaces on the Youth Council for our Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament. 

In terms of commitment, DG Youth Councillors should
  • Be prepared and able to give time (3-5 hours per week)
  • Have a passion for their community 
  • Have an interest in representing young people
You don't have to be political, or be the loudest in the room - we're looking for a diverse range of young people to become involved and everyone is welcome. 

 The Youth Council and Scottish Youth Parliament elections are being delivered by Youth Work Service. If you would like to find out more information, or speak with a member of staff please contact us by phoning the Oasis Youth Centre on 01387 260243, messaging us on @DGSYP (Facebook) or @YOUTHWORKDG (Facebook & Twitter).

Question Title

* 1. Full name:

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* 2. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)

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* 4. Contact Number (Mobile if possible):

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* 5. Contact E-mail:

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* 6. Postcode:

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* 7. How did you hear about this opportunity?

Question Title

* 8. Why do you want to stand for the Youth Council? (Max 150 words)

The elections are being ran by Dumfries & Galloway's Youth Work Service. After you have submitted this form, you will be contacted within one week to confirm your expression of interest. 

Young people are able to stand in both the Youth Council & Scottish Youth Parliament Elections - please note that you will need to register for SYP by clicking here!

Make sure to follow us on Facebook & Twitter to keep up to date!