CMSS Future Planning Survey

1.How many pure-bred ewes between the ages of 2 years and 10 years do you own?
2.Are all these pure-bred ewes fully registered?
3.How many pure-bred rams over 12 months do you own?
4.Are all these pure-bred rams birth notified or fully registered?
5.How many ewes did you pedigree breed (ie put to a registered tup) last year?
6.How many ewes are you planning to pedigree breed this year?
7.If you are not planning on pedigree breeding all your ewes are you planning on cross breeding / breeding to an unregistered tup this year?
8.If you are cross breeding what is the reason?
9.Did you register all your pedigree bred lambs in the last year you bred? 
10.If you do not register all your pedigree lambs what prevented you doing so?