Attitudes to Motorcycle Parking Charges

MAG is asking riders for their opinions on the question of motorcycle parking charges.
Motorcycle parking provision is often not well supported by local authorities.  We are witnessing an increasing movement amongst local authorities to explore the introduction of motorcycle parking charges in council car parks.  Commercially run car parks often have no/sparse motorcycle bays.  Those provided are often poor-quality.
The overall picture is a patchy, sub-standard solution for motorcycle parking in the UK.
With more charging schemes being proposed and implemented we want to gather opinion on the subject and determine whether there is a route that provides fit for purpose and secure parking as the norm in return for proportionate motorcycle parking charges.

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* 1. What region of the UK do you live in?

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* 2. What size motorcycle/scooter/moped do you most commonly use in circumstances where you need to park and leave the motorcycle away from home or a workplace parking facility?

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* 3. Do you ride all year round?

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* 4. How often do you park your bike away from home/workplace and leave it unattended?

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* 5. Would you use charged parking bays in preference to free bays if the quality of the charged provision was better than the free bays?

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* 6. If maybe – what of the following would sway your choice to pay (assuming the free option did not provide this feature)?

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* 7. Which of the following features would most sway your choice to pay? (pick one only)

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* 8. If you were willing to pay for a charged parking bay, how much would you pay for motorcycle parking bay relative to a car parking bay?

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* 9. Any other comments?