Thanks for getting involved in The Big Eurovision Read.

As part of EuroFestival, a Eurovision celebration in Liverpool, The Reading Agency and BBC Arts shared an inspiring booklist full of brilliant suggestions of great reads on the theme of the Power of Music. From fiction to autobiographies, the list of twelve – or ‘douze’ – titles has been crowdsourced from the library sectors and curated by librarians from across the UK and features something for everyone.

We were overwhelmed by the amount of fantastic books that were suggested for the list and there are many more that could have featured. The Big Eurovision Read focuses on the twelve titles that our panel chose to shine a light on, but you can take this opportunity to promote other great reads on the theme of the power of music.

All questions are optional and answers will be kept anonymous.

Question Title

* 1. What book would you recommend that celebrates the power of music?

Question Title

* 2. Name

Question Title

* 4. Where are you from?

Question Title

* 5. If you are happy to be contacted for any further news regarding the Big Eurovision Read, please let us know your email.