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Hello! Nice to see you, and thanks for clicking into our survey...

As a regular user of Volume, we're really keen to get your thoughts on how we can make our software even better. So this survey won't be asking you to rate this feature, or this piece of functionality with a view to patting ourselves on the back.

We want you to be completely honest with us - give it to us straight if something annoys you or you find a particular element un-intuitive. We're very interested to know what'd be on your Volume wish-list in an ideal world. The more we can garner the views of those that use the software day in, day out, the better we can make it for everyone.

'Why now?' I hear you ask… well we’re working on a new version of Volume. We’re keen to prioritise the right things and start with the end in mind so the customer experience is very key to that. Think of this survey as your chance to influence our development path.

We'll ask who you are, but you can submit your answers anonymously if you'd prefer... completely up to you. You can also ignore any questions you'd rather not answer. Thank you!

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* 1. May we understand a bit more about who you are please?

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* 2. Are we ok to contact you if we want to discuss your answers?

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* 3. Let's start on a positive note - what do you particularly like about our software?

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* 4. What are the features that perhaps you don't like? Please let us know why...

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* 5. Which features should work more intuitively or better?

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* 6. What, if any are the 'work-arounds' you feel you have to do in your day to day use of the software? Please give some details...

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* 7. If you had a Volume wish list... what would be the top 3 things on it?

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* 8. What else do you feel we should know that hasn't been covered in this brief questionnaire?

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* 9. How likely are you to recommend our software to people you know?

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Thank you!

Thank you!
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