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There must be a million stories out there – we want to gather hundreds of them from Birmingham residents and visitors, from a wide range of backgrounds – different ethnicities, nationalities, faith groups, young and old, LGBT, those with disabilities. Give us your memories, the good bits and the bad bits, your hopes, fears and dreams. Only then will we be able build a future for our parks that reflects what our City wants. We want to hear the good and the bad – don’t hold back!  

Because the Naturally Birmingham project has to write a plan that brings all of this together and will shape the future of our green spaces for the next 25 years we need people to want that plan, to help write it, to protect it and to govern it going forward. We want to ensure there is environmental justice for the 1.1 million plus people living in Birmingham over those years and into the future, please tell us who you are and tell us your Earth Story so we know what is important to you and why so we know what you want.

If you don’t already know about the project or want to know more about Earth Stories please visit our website: Earth Stories – Naturally Birmingham Future Parks Project

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* 1. Which age group applies to you?

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* 2. What is your sex?

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* 3. What is your gender identity?

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* 4. What is your ethnic group?

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* 5. What is your religion or belief?

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* 6. What is your sexual orientation?

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* 7. Do you have any physical and/or mental health conditions or
illnesses lasting or expected to last for 12 months or more?

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* 8. If you answered yes to a physical and/ or mental disabilty, please can you tell us what this is?

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* 9. What is your legal marital or civil partnership status?

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* 10. Please provide your home postcode excluding the last 2 letters e.g. B13 0

Thanks for telling us about you!  Your personal details will not be shared with anyone else – we are collecting this data to ensure we reach a diverse audience as possible to help plan the future of our parks and green spaces. 
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