Thank you so much for taking a couple of moments to complete this questionnaire.  This is hopefully as much for you as it is for me, but I would love to know from you what else I could have done to support you, what more or different things you would have liked and how I can continue to improve, as well as a short storyline of where you were, where we went and how you're feeling now.

I will be writing some client stories - anonymised and obfuscated enough that no-one could identify you and I will give you full sign off and approval/editing rights before I use them, but your questions here will help me create a short story to help people understand the work I do and whether it's right for them.

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* 1. Please complete your full name (including how you prefer to be addressed)

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* 2. What emotional symptoms were you experiencing?  Eg anxiety, feeling down, disengaged or frustrated, short tempered, overwhelmed?  What were some of the physical symptoms you were experiencing, for example tiredness, illness or flare ups of conditions?

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* 3. How were these symptoms affecting your work and life?  For example: I was signed off sick with work, I kept making mistakes or forgetting things, my family thought I was snappy or I felt I couldn't do X.

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* 4. What was it that initially prompted you to sign up to work with me?

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* 5. How, if at all, has this situation changed?

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* 6. What have been your favourite tools or resources we have used?  These could be tools like the decision matrix or end of day reflection, soft skills like learning to negotiate more, say no, set boundaries, or something I offered, such as the time to talk or knowing you could message me any time

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* 7. How do you feel your work or life has changed since we started working together?

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* 8. Please be honest: what could I improve or do better?  What might have been missing or not quite up to scratch?  I trust you're sharing this with the intention of helping me improve my work so please do let me know!

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* 9. On a scale of 1-5 (5 = amazing, brilliant, couldn't do better, 1= I am slug, covered in salt and someone stepped on me) how would you rate your progress so far?

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* 10. What's next for you? What's your next challenge or item to progress?