Dear Participant,
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the launch of the ‘Working with Environmental Variability for enhanced water and food security in the ASALs’ course in Kajiado next week. We would be extremely grateful if you could complete a short online survey before you attend the course.
The survey is to gather your perceptions, impressions and opinions of the drylands. Because it's a perceptions survey, you don't need any technical or specialist knowledge to answer these questions. We will collate and present results from the survey at the course launch next week. The survey is anonymous and we will not be able to identify you from your responses.
Most of the questions consist of common statements about the drylands, many of which you may have come across before - either in the literature, in policy discussions, during your own professional life or in the media. You are invited to agree or disagree with these (and if you have time, you are welcome to leave a comment with a short explanation of your answer). There are 26 statements about the drylands in the survey. There are also some general questions about you and your experience of the drylands.
Further use of survey results
The results from this survey may be combined with previous responses gathered and presented in academic journals, quoted in policy briefs and/or presented at conferences or public events aimed at raising awareness of issues of development in dryland areas. Results will be aggregated, processed and analysed in chart form and longer unattributed comments may be quoted.
The survey is being conducted as part of the BRECcIA (, a cross-disciplinary research program involving multiple institutions across sub-Saharan Africa (including Kenya, Ghana and Malawi). The project conducts practical and impact research to help design better policy and planning responses to the challenges of food and water security in the drylands. Coordinated by the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom, BRECcIA is a RCUK Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) program.
Thank you!
The BRECcIA Valuing Variability Large Research Project.
For any problems or questions, please contact Fiona Ngarachu of Kenyatta University.
By clicking on the Next/OK button you will be giving your consent to take part in the study and you will be confirming that you are over 18 years of age. Remember, you can leave the survey at any time should you not wish to continue. If you need to pause in the middle of the survey for any reason that's fine - just use the same link to reconnect when you're free again and you can start from where you left off.
This survey has been reviewed and approved under ethics procedures of the University of Southampton.