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This survey is to identify which of our school family have parents that are key workers. If a parent/carer is able to look after your child you will not be offered a place.

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* 1. Please only complete this survey if you think you are a key worker.

A key worker is defined as anyone working in the following sectors:

Care Sector
Education and childcare
Local and national government
Food and other necessary goods (production and distribution) 
Public safety and national security
Utilities, communication and financial services

If someone is able to be at home with your child you will not be offered a place and you must be willing to provide evidence of your key worker role.

Do you believe you are a key worker and require a place for your child if school is to close?

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* 2. Child name

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* 3. Occupation of first parent

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* 4. Occupation of second parent (If needed)

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* 5. Is there anyone who could provide care for your child? (excluding people identified as vulnerable e.g. elderly, underlying health conditions etc.)

0 of 5 answered