East Kintyre Housing Needs Survey Part 1


1.Please enter your postcode in the box below
2.Do you know of anyone who has not been able to find a suitable home to rent/buy in the region or who is already in the area but would like to move to a different home, if it was available?
3.If new housing was to be built in East Kintyre, what type of housing do you think is needed (please tick all that apply):
4.Which age groups do you think most need housing in this area (please tick all that apply) ?
5.Do you think specialist homes would be popular e.g. for older people ? 
6.Presuming you would agree that additional community/leisure facilities are needed  in/around Carradale. Which age group do you think most need additional facilities  (tick all that apply) ?
7.If you are a business owner or representative: Do you employ staff (if the answer is NO then please save your answers by pressing ‘DONE’ at the bottom of this page and move directly to the link for Part 2 of this survey - which deals with house design preferences)
8.Presuming,  as with many local businesses, you struggle to retain and/or recruit appropriately qualified/experienced staff locally, do you consider one of the reasons for this to be a lack of suitable and/or affordable quality accommodation in the local area
9.If housing was to be available in Carradale would you be interested to receive further information so as to encourage your existing or prospective staff to explore the opportunity ?
10.If you own or manage a major enterprise based in the region could you be interested in a dialogue about subscribing to or underwriting one or more properties to be built as part of the proposed housing project to service your staff needs. If so please supply contact details.
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered