Wentworth Medical Practice, Patient Survey

Derwent and Wentworth Merger

We are writing to you as a patient registered with one of the practices above to inform you of the Partnership change which took place last year and the proposed merger of our GP surgery at 20 Derwent Crescent London N20 OQQ with Wentworth Medical Practice at 38 Wentworth Avenue London N3 1YL.
Partnership changes took place last Summer when Dr Jonathan Lubin the long-term GP Partner at Derwent Medical Centre retired from NHS Services in July 2022. His joint GP Partner Dr Laura Lefley left shortly after. We apologise if you were not notified of this change.
This survey is to seek your views on a full Merger between both practices.
The merger will allow Wentworth Medical Practice patients access to further Physiotherapy appointments, more pharmacy appointments, additional out of ours services and well as increasing our Nurse and GP workforce. The merger will also allow us to improve the surgery incuding further clinical rooms to increase our GP workforce further.
1.Are you aware of the changes in Partnership which took place in August 2022 and as set out in the letter?
2.Do you agree with the proposed Merger of Wentworth and Derwent Medical Practice?
3.If you have answered ‘no’-Please tell us why
4.What is your full postcode?
5.Are you a patient or a carer
6.Do you consider yourself to be disabled?
7.What is your gender?
8.What is your age bracket?
9.Please select your ethnicity group
10.Please use the space below to let us know any further thoughts you have regarding the proposed Merger of Derwent and Wentworth Practices.