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Single Use Plastics and Disabled People in Wales

The Welsh Government are considering a ban or restriction to the sale of single use plastics such as; plastic straws, cotton buds and drink stirrers.

We understand the importance of reducing our plastic waste however, we want to make sure that any new legislation does not negatively impact on disabled people living in Wales.

We know that these items are essential for some disabled people to live independently and we want to make sure that the Welsh Government understand the impact that a ban or restriction may have on the lives of disabled people living in Wales.

In this survey when we refer to single use plastics, we mean plastic straws, cotton buds and drink stirrers.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. 

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* 1. Do you identify as a disabled person?
Disability Wales uses the Social Model of Disability which identifies barriers, negative attitudes, and social exclusion on top of impairments / health conditions as the cause of disability.

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* 2. How often do you use the following items?

  More than once a day At least once a day Once a week Once a month less than once a month Never
Plastic straws
Cotton Buds
Drinks Stirrers

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* 3. Would you support a proposal to ban or restrict the sale of single use plastics in Wales?

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* 4. If a ban were to be introduced would you agree for an exemption for certain groups of people?

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* 5. Should cafes, shops and restaurants be allowed to provide plastic straws or stirrers to customers on a case-by-case basis?

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* 6. Should pharmacists be allowed to sell single use plastics to customers without medical evidence being provided?

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* 7. Have you used alternatives to plastic straws? (metal or paper straws for example)

0 of 12 answered