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For each pillar, please rate yourself from 1 to 5:
1 - Not yet considered
2 - Just getting started
3 - Made some progress
4 - At a fairly advanced stage
5 - Fully embedded

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* 1. We invest time and resources in understanding and defining DEI

Below are some examples of how you might demonstrate this:
  • We consider how DEI relates to our history, mission and current work
  • We have a clear understanding and competency in terms of our definition of DEI
  • We recognise that discrimination and unconscious bias might exist within our organisation and take steps to identify and tackle this
  • Our board and staff receive training and support on DEI issues in order to enable them to carry out DEI practices in an effective and informed way

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* Why did you give yourself this score?

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* What actions are you planning in relation to this pillar?

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* 2. We produce and review strategies that will implement DEI practices

Below are some examples of how you might demonstrate this:
  • Our board and staff teams take time to reflect on, review and develop strategies that specifically seek to implement DEI practice and improve DEI performance against measurable outcomes
  • This extends to the development of policies across our organisation, such as finance, recruitment and human resources, as well as funding support on DEI issues in order to enable them to carry out DEI practices in an effective and informed way

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* Why did you give yourself this score?

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* What actions are you planning in relation to this pillar?

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* 3. We collect, track and publish data on our own practices and performances

This might include data on:
  • The diversity of your board and staff
  • The way that your funding is allocated (eg by topic, geography and communities)
  • Participants at your events (speakers and attendees)

Question Title

* Why did you give yourself this score?

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* What actions are you planning in relation to this pillar?

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* 4. We have a diverse trustee board and staff team, both in terms of demographics and experience

Below are some examples of how you might demonstrate this:
  • We apply DEI practices in our approach to recruitment and retention, and monitor and review outcomes
  • We regularly review and seek to enhance the diversity of our board and staff teams
  • We continually strive to strengthen our governance, particularly in terms of diversity, and offers tailored support to trustees

Question Title

* Why did you give yourself this score?

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* What actions are you planning in relation to this pillar?

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* 5. We reflect and implement DEI practices in our funding activities

Below are some examples of how you might demonstrate this:
  • We ensure that DEI issues are identified and addressed at every stage of the funding cycle
  • We incorporate DEI practices in our programme design, application processes and criteria, funding conditions and monitoring
  • We address the structural inequalities of gender, race, disability and class and their intersectionality

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* Why did you give yourself this score?

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* What actions are you planning in relation to this pillar?

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* 6. We express our DEI commitment, policies and practices publicly

Below are some examples of how you might demonstrate this:
  • We create and publish a DEI statement, and develop clear and measurable outcomes to be pursued
  • We undertake an annual review of progress towards fulfilling our commitments and summarise this as part of our annual report
  • We share our approach to DEI with wider audiences

Question Title

* Why did you give yourself this score?

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* What actions are you planning in relation to this pillar?

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* 7. We make ourselves accountable to those we serve and support

Below are some examples of how you might demonstrate this:
  • We invite, seek and actively facilitate feedback from grantees and applicants about our practices
  • We consult our communities as part of strategic reviews and in development and delivery of grants programmes
  • We offer opportunities for challenge, feedback and appeals

Question Title

* Why did you give yourself this score?

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* What actions are you planning in relation to this pillar?

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* 8. We use our own power to advocate for and advance DEI practices

Below are some examples of how you might demonstrate this:
  • We speak out about key issues affecting civil society and particularly underrepresented groups, including government policy changes, legislative developments and funding programmes that may cause harm
  • We provide platforms for people and communities that are less frequently listened to, and enable them to access the corridors of power
  • We understand and value the role that grassroots and user-led organisations play in securing and advancing social justice and reducing inequality, and actively support them
  • We apply a DEI lens to our supply chains

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* Why did you give yourself this score?

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* What actions are you planning in relation to this pillar?

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* 9. We collaborate with others to promote and implement DEI practices

Below are some examples of how you might demonstrate this:
  • We understand that DEI is a foundational issue relevant to all areas of work and our partners
  • We support foundation sector initiatives that seek to implement DEI practices
  • We engage in DEI initiatives taking place across wider civil society

Question Title

* Why did you give yourself this score?

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* What actions are you planning in relation to this pillar?

If you would like to keep a copy of your responses, please save and/or print via CTRL+P now.

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33% of survey complete.