Exit B2B Brand Tracking Survey Question Title * 1. Which best describes your role in your organization’s decision-making process for [CATEGORY] purchases? I am the primary decision-maker I have influence but I am not the primary decision maker I am not involved in the decision-making process Question Title * 2. When you think of [CATEGORY], what is the first brand that comes to mind? Question Title * 3. When you think of [CATEGORY], what other brands come to mind? Question Title * 4. Which of the following [CATEGORY] brands have you heard of? Select all that apply. Competitor C Competitor B Your brand Competitor A Competitor D None of the above Question Title * 5. How familiar are you with following [CATEGORY] brands? Very familiar Somewhat familiar Not so familiar Not at all familiar Competitor B Competitor B Very familiar Competitor B Somewhat familiar Competitor B Not so familiar Competitor B Not at all familiar Your brand Your brand Very familiar Your brand Somewhat familiar Your brand Not so familiar Your brand Not at all familiar Competitor A Competitor A Very familiar Competitor A Somewhat familiar Competitor A Not so familiar Competitor A Not at all familiar Competitor C Competitor C Very familiar Competitor C Somewhat familiar Competitor C Not so familiar Competitor C Not at all familiar Competitor D Competitor D Very familiar Competitor D Somewhat familiar Competitor D Not so familiar Competitor D Not at all familiar Question Title * 6. Which of the following [CATEGORY] brands has your company bought from in the last 12 months? Select all that apply. Your brand Competitor D Competitor C Competitor B Competitor A None of the above Question Title * 7. Does your company plan to purchase [CATEGORY] in the next 12 months? Definitely yes Probably yes Probably no Definitely no Not sure Question Title * 8. Which of the following brands would you consider if your company were to buy [CATEGORY] in the 12 months? Select all that apply. Competitor A Your brand Competitor C Competitor B Competitor D Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 9. For your next purchase, which [CATEGORY] brand would your company buy? Competitor B Competitor C Competitor D Your brand Competitor A Other (please specify) None of the above Next