The Heat Report 2018 Question Title * 1. Thank you for taking to the time to share your thoughts on heating and its future efficiencies and potential decarbonisation. Excluding final energy consumption used for transport, heating accounts for 75% of final energy consumption. A big target for reduced costs and lowering carbon emissions. We are looking for the largest possible survey sample, so please answer every relevant question. The survey should take no longer than 5 minutes.The report will be launched at The Energyst Event on 17th April and as a participant a hard copy will be sent to you post event. Before we start we need a few details in order to arrange for your copy of the report to be sent. Name: (required) * Company: (required) * Job Title Email Address:(required) * Phone Number: Question Title * 2. Thank you for taking to the time to share your thoughts on heating and its future efficiencies and potential decarbonisation. Excluding final energy consumption used for transport, heating accounts for 75% of final energy consumption. A big target for reduced costs and lowering carbon emissions. We are looking for the largest possible survey sample, so please answer every relevant question. The survey should take no longer than 5 minutes.The report will be launched at The Energyst Event on 17th April and as a participant a hard copy will be sent to you post event. Before we start we need a few details in order to arrange for your copy of the report to be sent. Name: (required) * Company: (required) * Job Title Email Address:(required) * Phone Number: Question Title * 3. Which low carbon technologies have you installed within your building? Heating Lighting Building controls Air conditioning CHP None Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Is your organisation looking at low carbon methods of heating? Yes No Question Title * 5. Please specify which technologies you are / would consider deploying? (i.e. heat pumps, CHP, biomass etc) Question Title * 6. Has the Government's Renewable Heating Incentive been an effective tool for encouraging renewable sources of heating? Yes No If not, why do you think this was the case? Question Title * 7. What policy, regulatory intervention or tweak do you think would best incentivise investment in lower carbon heat? Question Title * 8. When addressing the optimisation of buildings that your business owns, has heat been a focus of this? Yes, and we have replaced controls, boilers etc Yes, but we have yet to do much No, it was more lighting/behavioural change Question Title * 9. Is combined heat and power (CHP) something that you use? Yes, we have a CHP unit installed No, but we are considering it No, it wouldn't work in our situation Question Title * 10. Is your CHP? Stand-alone With condensing boilers With non-condensing boilers With buffer vessels Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. When purchasing heating equipment does your company take a longer term total cost of ownership view regarding energy use and maintenance or is it more on how much it costs to purchase? Capital expenditure is our main concern We try to look at total cost of ownership but initial purchase price is very important We look to optimise carbon and energy and therefore that takes precedence, within reason, to purchase price Total cost of ownership features in our purchasing process as we are aware how much it costs to run heating kit over its lifetime Question Title * 12. Would you replace old heating technology because of its high energy use compared to later generation models or technologies? We look at energy use and would consider the internal rate of return for such an action and do it. It might be considered but it would have to be a dramatic saving to persuade the board As long as it works reliably we wouldn’t consider changing the equipment Question Title * 13. Do you have a blend of technology for your heating requirements? (such as gas boilers, heat pumps and solar thermal) Yes, we have a hybrid system already No, but we are considering one No, it’s not something we are looking at Question Title * 14. If you have, or are considering a hybrid system, what are constituent technologies a? Gas-fired boilers Biomass Solar thermal CHP District heating / Heat networks Waste heat recovery Energy from waste Fuel Cells Infrared panels Geothermal Heatpumps Question Title * 15. Multi-technology heat solutions can offer an efficient option, what is the best method of encouraging this? Better knowledge – Promote the benefits of new technology better and show how they work together Controls – Focus on control strategies and how this can open up the effective use of hybrid systems Money – Demonstrate the economic benefits of these type of solutions/whole life costs versus more traditional solutions Legislation – Stick or carrot to encourage its uptake Question Title * 16. Within the next 5 years, do you see heat networks as a solution to decarbonisation in the UK? Yes No Please briefly say why / why not Question Title * 17. Where do you foresee heat networks will be best utilised? Industrial Commercial Residential Other (please specify) Question Title * 18. Do you look at heating controls regularly to optimise your heating system? Yes, it’s part of our regular energy management plan A few times a year, like when the clocks change or the weather is unseasonal No, not at all Question Title * 19. Do you consider the Building Management System (BMS) a sufficient tool for optimising your heating? Yes No it needs more specialist equipment No such kit is necessary, BMS or otherwise I’d value advice from manufacturers on how to optimise systems Question Title * 20. Are you aware of the Energy related Products (ErP) Directive regarding heating products? (boilers, water heaters, storage cylinders as well as renewable technologies such as solar thermal, heat pumps and CHP) Yes No Question Title * 21. At what stage of the planning process do you consult with the manufacturer to develop the most efficient low carbon plant room? Strategic definition Preparation and brief (specifying) Concept and design Developed design Technical design Construction (installation) Handover and close out (commissioning) In use We don’t Question Title * 22. What would be the reasons you would 'break' the design specified for a low carbon plant room? Cost Legislation I have a preferred supplier that will make it easier to install I have a preferred supplier that will make maintenance easier and reduce total cost of ownership Product reliability – perceived or otherwise Product availability – perceived or otherwise Question Title * 23. How often do you use BIM as part of your projects? On all projects - I find BIM really useful On public projects only as this is a requirement Only occasionally, when the customer (private or public) has specifically requested it Never If never, why don't you use BIM? Question Title * 24. The Energyst would like to conduct short telephone interviews with respondents to discuss low carbon heat challenges. Would you be willing to participate? Yes No Question Title * 25. Finally, on April 17th The Energyst shall be hosting a launch event at The Energyst Event in Birmingham to discuss this reports findings. Would you be interested in registering a free place? Yes No Done