Star of the month - Customer nominations Who's your star? Question Title * 1. The person you're nominating is a... Bus/Coach driver Service Supervisor (Controller) Travel Shop Advisor Office Colleague Engineer Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Do you know their name? (Or if you bought a bus ticket, their driver number will be listed at the top). If not, are you able to provide a description of them? Question Title * 3. Why is this person your star? Please give as much detail as possible Question Title * 4. Which category does your nominee come under? Outstanding customer service Excellent performance Going above and beyond Exceptional achievement Superhero (this category is especially for nominations where someone's actions have been protecting someone from danger, lifesaving, or of a life altering nature.) Question Title * 5. Please tell us when you had your good experience Date Date Time AM/PM - AM PM Question Title * 6. Where did this happen? If you were on a bus, please tell us which service you were on, and the direction of travel. (Or if you bought a ticket, the 4 digit fleet number will be listed a the top) Question Title * 7. If you were travelling on a bus - where did you get on and at what time? Question Title * 8. If you would like to be notified if your entry wins, please enter your details below. Please note that we will only hold your data until the winner is announced at the end of the month Name Email Address Phone Number Done