Exit Brand Tracking Survey Question Title * 1. When you think of [CATEGORY], what is the first brand that comes to mind? Question Title * 2. When you think of [CATEGORY], what other brands come to mind? Question Title * 3. Which of the following [CATEGORY] brands have you heard of? Select all that apply. Competitor C Your brand Competitor B Competitor A Competitor D None of the above Question Title * 4. How familiar are you with following [CATEGORY] brands? Very familiar Somewhat familiar Not so familiar Not at all familiar Your brand Your brand Very familiar Your brand Somewhat familiar Your brand Not so familiar Your brand Not at all familiar Competitor B Competitor B Very familiar Competitor B Somewhat familiar Competitor B Not so familiar Competitor B Not at all familiar Competitor C Competitor C Very familiar Competitor C Somewhat familiar Competitor C Not so familiar Competitor C Not at all familiar Competitor D Competitor D Very familiar Competitor D Somewhat familiar Competitor D Not so familiar Competitor D Not at all familiar Competitor A Competitor A Very familiar Competitor A Somewhat familiar Competitor A Not so familiar Competitor A Not at all familiar Question Title * 5. Which of the following [CATEGORY] brands have you bought from in the last 12 months? Select all that apply. Competitor A Competitor B Competitor C Your brand Competitor D None of the above Question Title * 6. Do you plan to purchase [CATEGORY] in the next 12 months? Definitely yes Probably yes Probably no Definitely no Not sure Question Title * 7. Which of the following brands would you consider if you were to buy [CATEGORY] in the 12 months? Select all that apply. Competitor A Your brand Competitor B Competitor C Competitor D Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 8. For your next purchase, which [CATEGORY] brand would you buy? Competitor B Your brand Competitor C Competitor A Competitor D Other (please specify) None of the above Next