
Bristol City Council is seeking support from British Cycling to help fund a new Cycling Centre in Bristol.  This will include a 1km 6m wide closed road circuit track, Bikeability training area and small pump track.

The new facility hopes to provide a valuable addition to cycling opportunities in Bristol and support increasing the health and wellbeing of both local residents and the wider community.

As part of this bid, we are gathering the views of the local cycling community on the details of the draft design and programming, to better understand how you might wish to be involved in its future operation.

The new facility has been designed in such a way that Bikeability, inclusive cycling, cycling for sport and other activities can all run alongside each other as much as possible.

The location of the facility is at Henacre Open Space in Lawrence Weston, next to the open access BMX track. The plan is for the Bristol Cycling Centre to be a secure fenced facility that operates both bookable sessions and pay as you go opportunities. Below is a draft design of the facility for reference. Please note that this is still subject to a full planning application.

We propose building a community café facility just outside the perimeter fence that can serve both the cycling centre, BMX track and the local community.

We would be very grateful if you could spend a few minutes completing this survey which will provide invaluable information to support our bid for funding.

If you would like further information about this project, or have difficulties completing the survey please contact

Please complete the survey by Friday 11th December.  The survey should take around 10 mins to complete.

Thank you

Question Title

Proposed Site

This image is a conceptual layout of the track configuration and for illustrative purposes only. Further details will be provided at a later date.

This image is for illustrative purposes only. It is a conceptual layout of the track configuration and the labels are intentionally unclear.