Exit Candidate Evaluation Form Question Title * 1. Candidate Name: First name Last name Question Title * 2. Interviewer Name: First name Last name Question Title * 3. Interview Date Interview Date Date Question Title * 4. Position: Question Title * 5. What is your overall recommendation to the hiring committee? Strongly recommend Recommend Do not recommend Strongly do not recommend Question Title * 6. Would you recommend that the candidate be hired for a DIFFERENT position at this company? Yes No Question Title * 7. Please rate the candidate on the following criteria: Not applicable Poor Fair Good Excellent Educational background Educational background Not applicable Educational background Poor Educational background Fair Educational background Good Educational background Excellent Prior work experience Prior work experience Not applicable Prior work experience Poor Prior work experience Fair Prior work experience Good Prior work experience Excellent Technical skills Technical skills Not applicable Technical skills Poor Technical skills Fair Technical skills Good Technical skills Excellent Communication skills Communication skills Not applicable Communication skills Poor Communication skills Fair Communication skills Good Communication skills Excellent Time management Time management Not applicable Time management Poor Time management Fair Time management Good Time management Excellent Enthusiasm for the job Enthusiasm for the job Not applicable Enthusiasm for the job Poor Enthusiasm for the job Fair Enthusiasm for the job Good Enthusiasm for the job Excellent Preparedness Preparedness Not applicable Preparedness Poor Preparedness Fair Preparedness Good Preparedness Excellent Initiative Initiative Not applicable Initiative Poor Initiative Fair Initiative Good Initiative Excellent Professionalism Professionalism Not applicable Professionalism Poor Professionalism Fair Professionalism Good Professionalism Excellent Commitment to company values Commitment to company values Not applicable Commitment to company values Poor Commitment to company values Fair Commitment to company values Good Commitment to company values Excellent Please share your feedback on how the candidate performed during the interview, which can include details about your ratings above. Question Title * 8. Were there any pros or strengths that you observed, or unique skills or experience that stood out to you? Question Title * 9. Were there any cons or weaknesses, or areas other interviewers should follow up on? Question Title * 10. What was your overall assessment of the candidate? Done