A community organisation developing renewable energy projects for the benefit of future generations.

If you haven’t taken part in the existing community energy survey and you are interested in joining the community heat network, please complete the community heat survey HERE.

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* Would you invest in a community share offer to fund the boreholes and pipe network?

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* What rate of interest on a community investment do think would be reasonable?

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* How much might you be able to invest?

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* Would you be likely to invest/invest at a lower interest rate/or invest more if: (Please select all that apply)

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* If the eligibility of EIS impacts your investment decision, can you please set out what impact this would have on your required rate of return, or the amount you would be willing to invest?

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* Would you join an Energy Local Club or Peer-to-peer energy group if it reduced the cost of your electricity?

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* If you are a high energy consumer, would you be interested in buying electricity from a community owned solar project at a discounted rate, or joining a local energy trading group (such as Energy Local or Urban Chain)?

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* How local do you think the organisation that owns the heat network should be?

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* Would you consider installing your own solar panels on your roof if you could sell surplus electricity to the community heat network?

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* Would you like a community based electric vehicle charging station to be installed in Chipping as part of the project?

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* What type of house do you have?

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* If you are interested in learning more about Chipping Community Energy and the opportunity to invest in a community energy project, please complete the below contact form.

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* Note: we will keep you updated by email, if you don’t have an email address, please let us know how we can contact you here...

Note: The Chipping Community Energy Working Group and its delivery partners Chipping Parish Council and Prospus Group and its subsidiaries may contact you regarding future projects and will hold your contact details on record in line with our Privacy Policy.