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Hospital Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care Teams Research Study - Survey May 2022
The unique trajectory of COVID-19, resulted in the implementation of additional requirements and visiting restrictions in hospitals. This significantly impacted patients and their relatives/friends.
During this time hospitals adapted their ways of working to try to address the restrictions which included the role of the Hospital Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Teams.
This questionnaire has been designed to enable people to share experiences of their contact and input from the Hospital Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Teams during this time.
The information provided will help us understand the impact of the Hospital Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Teams and to inform service delivery during future periods of heightened pressure on healthcare services.
The questionnaire should take no longer than 10-15 minutes. There are no right or wrong answers; we want to explore your experiences of support provided by the Hospital Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Teams during the COVID-19 pandemic (since March 2020).
Although this questionnaire has been carefully designed to minimise upset, completing it may cause you to reflect on events that you find upsetting. If you become distressed at any stage, please pause or stop. You can either miss out a question entirely and move onto the next, or stop participating in the questionnaire altogether.
If the questionnaire raises issues that cause you feel you that you would benefit from further support, the following organisations offer free confidential support:
The Samaritans telephone:116 123 or email
CRUSE Bereavement Care offer a free helpline: Telephone 0808 808 1677, or email
For the purposes of this research we define COVID -19 pandemic timeframe from March 2020 onwards.