Background and purpose
We are sorry that you have recently found yourself in the difficult position of having to raise a complaint in relation to our services.

Whilst we do not wish to cause any further distress following the closure of your complaint, if you do feel able to complete this short survey, your feedback will be used to help us to continue to improve our complaints handling procedures.
Please be assured that your reply will be treated confidentially and your name, hospital number or any identifiable information is not required.
If you would prefer to complete this survey over the phone, a member of the PALS Team will be able to assist you.  Please call the Team on 01722 429044 to arrange this. By completing your survey over the phone your responses will still remain anonymous and your identifiable details will not be shared.
You are welcome to enter your contact details at the end of this survey should you wish to discuss your responses further with a member of the PALS team.

By completing this questionnaire you agree to your responses being processed by Survey Monkey in the USA, being accessible to Trust Library staff as administrators of the Survey Monkey account, and being collated, stored and analysed by the Patient Liaison Service (PALS) Project Team.

To help the Trust comply with Data Protection legislation please do not include any personally identifiable information in any of the comments boxes below.

Considering a complaint

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* 1. When you were considering making a complaint did you feel confident to speak up?

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* 2. Did you feel that making a complaint might adversely affect your care?

Making a complaint

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* 3. Was making the complaint a simple process?

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* 4. Were you offered or made aware of any additional support that was available to help you make your complaint?

Staying informed

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* 5. Did you feel you were kept informed about the progress of your complaint?

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* 6. Were you given a precise timescale in which to expect a formal response to your complaint?

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* 7. Was this timescale kept to?

Receiving outcomes

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* 8. Do you feel all the points or questions you raised were properly addressed?

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* 9. If appropriate - did the response contain what you felt to be a meaningful apology?

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* 10. On receiving the final outcomes of your complaint, did you feel reassured that learning had taken place, and that your complaint had made a difference to how the service will be run in future?

Reflecting on the experience

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* 11. Do you feel the time taken to respond to your complaint was in keeping with the severity and/or complexity of the complaint?

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* 12. Do you feel that the time and effort involved in making your complaint was properly acknowledged and valued by relevant staff?

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* 13. Was this response sufficiently personal to you and specific to the nature of your complaint?

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* 14. Reflecting on your overall experience, would you feel confident in making a complaint in the future if you needed to?

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* 15. Do you have any suggestions about how the complaints process could be improved? (Please do not include any personally identifiable information.)

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* 16. Are there any other comments you would like to make in relation to your experience of the complaints process? (Please do not include any personally identifiable information.)

About you
We are fully committed to diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity for all and would very much appreciate your completing the following questions if you feel able to:

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* 18. Would you consider yourself to have a long term health condition or disability that limits your day-to-day activities?

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* 20. Your gender:

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* 22. Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?

Further contact from PALS

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* 23. Once you have completed your survey, if you would like a member of the PALS team to contact you about your responses, then please add your name and phone number below. Otherwise please leave this blank.