Benchmark your customer data and insight capabilities against other retailers

As retail specialists, we regularly witness the gaps between retailers’ perception of their customers and the kind of experience that actually makes them happy. Ill-informed objectives, misaligned marketing strategies and the failure to meet customer expectations, often come as a result.

To help combat this, we built the Customer Intelligence Index.

The Customer Intelligence Index allows you to benchmark your data and insight capabilities and uncover opportunities to improve your understanding of behaviours, preferences and the factors that influence purchasing decisions.

After answering a series questions about your organisation, you’ll be sent a free report with your score, how you perform against other retailers and recommended actions to improve customer intelligence. You can expect to receive this within 24 hours.

We estimate that the survey will take less than 20 minutes to complete. If you can’t answer everything in one go, don't worry, you can return to complete it at another time.
9% of survey complete.