ETF Express 2018 Awards Reader Survey

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* 1. Dear Reader,

ETF Express Global 2018 Awards

We are conducting a survey of the ETF Express readership to assess the best ETF providers and exchanges during 20176 in a range of categories covering the entire ETF space. Managers and service providers/exchanges are welcome to nominate their own funds/firms – with relevant justification.

Please make your nominations by completing this survey.

The deadline for nominations is 25th January 2018.

The results from this survey will be presented in aggregate and all individual answers to this survey will be confidential. The awards represent a key marketing opportunity for winners.

We look forward to sharing the results of this survey with you at our awards ceremony to be held in London in March  2017.


The ETF Express Team

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* 2. Please could you identify the type of company you work within, or the most appropriate sector of the industry you fit into.

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* 3. Please nominate the Best Commodity ETF Management Firm

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* 4. Please nominate the Best Fixed Income (all excluding cash) ETF Management Firm

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* 5. Please nominate the Best Fixed Income - cash (money market) ETF Management Firm

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* 6. Please nominate the Best North America Equity ETF Management Firm

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* 7. Please nominate the Best Emerging Markets Equity ETF Management Firm

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* 8. Please nominate the Best Europe Equity ETF Management Firm

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* 9. Please nominate the Best Global (ex-US) Equity ETF Management Firm

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* 10. Please nominate the best Asia Pacific Equity ETF Management Firm

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* 11. Please nominate the Best Global Equity ETF Management Firm

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* 12. Please nominate the Best Currency ETF Management Firm

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* 13. Please nominate the Best Mixed ETF Management Firm

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* 14. Please nominate the Best Alternative ETF Management Firm

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* 15. Please nominate the most innovative North American ETF provider

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* 16. Please nominate the most innovative European ETF provider

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* 17. Please nominate the Best Smart Beta ETF provider

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* 18. Please nominate the most innovative North American ETP provider

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* 19. Please nominate the most innovative European ETP provider

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* 20. Please nominate the most innovative North American ETN provider

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* 21. Please nominate the most innovative European ETN provider

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* 22. Please nominate the firm showing the best innovation in ETF's

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* 23. Please nominate the best European ETF market-maker

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* 24. Please nominate the best North American ETF market-maker

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* 25. Please nominate the best Asia-Pacific ETF market-maker

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* 26. Please nominate the best North American Exchange for Listing ETFs

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* 27. Please nominate the best Asian Exchange for Listing ETFs

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* 28. Please nominate the best European Exchange for Listing ETFs

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* 29. Please nominate the most innovative index provider

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* 30. Please nominate the best OTC trading platform for institutional investors

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* 31. Please nominate the best OTC trading platform for retail investors

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* 32. Please nominate the Best ETF Research Provider

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* 33. Please nominate the best ETF Distributor

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* 34. Please nominate the best North American ETF fund administrator

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* 35. Please nominate the best European ETF fund administrator

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* 36. Please nominate the best ETF Global Custodian

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* 37. Please nominate the best ETF Global Liquidity Provider

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* 38. Please nominate the best ETF Marketing/Public Relations Firm

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* 39. Please nominate the best ETF Legal & Compliance Firm