Exit Section 1: Team Proficiency How skilled is your TA function? Question Title Question Title * Which of the following best describes the resource within your TA function? A. Not enough resource or skills to meet hiring recruitment demand B. Enough resource but not with the skills required C. The right level of resource and skills D. The right resource, which can flex and scale according to hiring demand Question Title * How is your TA Function structured? A. Recruiters are responsible for all aspects of recruitment (end-to-end/360 degree) B. Recruiters are supported by Administrators for some tasks (eg interview scheduling/offer production) C. Recruiters are supported by Sourcers who proactively find and talentpool candidates D. Recruiters are supported by Administrators & Sourcing specialists Question Title * What specialist industry knowledge do you have in your TA Team? A. Limited to no industry experience across the team B. Industry experience in pockets across the team C. Majority of the team have relevant industry experience D. Industry experts across the entire team Question Title * What is the level of leadership capability within the team? A. Mainly inexperienced team with limited potential for growth B. Team is inexperienced but with stars for the future C. Pockets of leadership quality within the team with noticeable gaps D. Well balanced team with leadership qualities throughout the hierarchy Question Title * How are the recruiters perceived by the business? A. The recruiters are not known by the business B. Recruiters are perceived as 'order takers' by the business C. Recruitment are seen as more effective in some areas than others D. Recruiters perceived as 'Trusted Advisors' to the business Question Title * Which of the following best describes your response to fluctuations in recruitment demand? A. Recruiters absorb extra workload B. The broader HR team can pick up TA responsibilities when required C. Employ temporary staff when required D. Utilise flexible outsourcing arrangement Click 'Next' to move onto the 'Sourcing, Attraction & Brand Awareness' section. Page1 / 9 11% of survey complete. Next