The UK government has announced their plans to ban glue boards for rodent control in England and Wales.
We believe that glue boards are an essential tool to protect public health, so we’re challenging the proposed changes. However, we need your help.
We’re asking everyone in the professional sector to spend 10-15 minutes writing out a case study about glue board use.
We want to show decision-makers the critical role of glue boards in public health pest management.
Please spend some time filling out this survey. Without your input, there’s a good chance these tools will be lost forever.
This survey is for pest management business owners and pest management professionals only.
How will your data be used?
The data you provide will be used for BPCA lobbying activity and, therefore, may be shared with key decision-makers and third parties. You can choose to keep your name and company name anonymous. However, if you choose to be anonymous, this may limit the effectiveness of our work.
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