Complete this short survey to help shape Happiness activity in Lancashire

We all want happiness, for ourselves and people around us. Yet happiness has not improved in the UK for over sixty years. In Lancashire we want to support happiness as happy people are healthier. This short survey will create an annual snapshot of happiness in Lancashire and shape future activity to make a happier and healthier Lancashire. 

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* 1. Tell us where in Lancashire you are from: enter your postcode

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* 2. Below are some statements about thoughts and feelings. Select the answer which best describes your experience of each over the last 2 weeks. Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS). ©NHS Health Scotland, University of Warwick and University of Edinburgh, 2006, all rights reserved

  None of the time Rarely Sometimes Often All of the time
I've been feeling optimistic about the future
I've been feeling useful
I've been feeling relaxed
I've been feeling interested in other people
I've had energy to spare
I've been dealing with problems well
I've been thinking clearly
I've been feeling good about myself
I've been feeling close to other people
I've been feeling confident
I've been able to make up my own mind about things
I've been feeling loved
I've been interested in new things
I've been feeling cheerful

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* 3. To help shape activity to create happiness for all please share a little about yourself.
What is your gender?

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* 4. What is your age?

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* 5. What is your ethnicity?

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* 6. Have you heard of the five ways to wellbeing?

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* 7. Share the things that make you happy?