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Haydon Drive Green Spaces Improvement Survey

Groundwork London, on behalf of Hillingdon Council, are exploring the possibility of improving the green spaces and environment in your area and want to hear from you.

We understand that flooding and waterlogging are serious issues in your area and so we have been commissioned to conduct a feasibility assessment on ways sustainable urban drainage, (or SUDs), can help manage localised flooding. There is a possibility that SuDS work in this area could have a positive effect on the wider environment, such as the potential to reduce the flooding of Joel Street Ditch.

We'd also like to hear your suggestions for any other green space improvements, so if you could spare 8 minutes to answer the following questions we would be very grateful.

Please complete this by the 31st July, thanks.

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Haydon Drive Site Map

Please take a moment to look at this map of Haydon Drive and the surrounding area. We have divided up the area to help you answer the questions. You may want to save this image or come back to it during the questionnaire.

Haydon Drive Site Map<br><br><em>Please take a moment to look at this map of Haydon Drive and the surrounding area. We have divided up the area to help you answer the questions. You may want to save this image or come back to it during the questionnaire.</em>

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* 1. Are you a resident living in, or within a kilometre of, Haydon Drive?

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* 2. How often do you/your family use the green spaces on the estate?

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* 3. If you use them, which ones? If you don’t, why not? (Use map numbers to help)

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* 4. How do you currently use the green spaces?

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* 5. Where do you do these activities? (Use map numbers to help)

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* 6. How easy to access do you feel the estates green spaces are?

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* 7. Are there any parts of the estate where you've experience flooding, water pooling or drains overflowing?

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* 8. Which area number is it in?

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* 9. Describe the problem as best as you can

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* 10. How safe do you feel using the estates green spaces?

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* 11. Are there any anti-social behaviour issues that occur within the estates green spaces? Please describe these as best as you can.

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* 12. We would also like to ask you some questions about other green space improvements you would like to see should funding become available. What would you like the green spaces on the estate to be used for (if it helps use the grid numbers to help describe this)?

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* 13. Any other comments or ideas?

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* 14. We would like to keep in contact with you as the project develops… If you agree with the following, then please leave your details.

General Data Protection Regulation Agreement
How we use your data

We are known as the ‘Processor’ of your data which means we take instructions from London Borough of Hillingdon who are the Controllers of how your data is used. If you would like to get in touch about how they use your data please contact 

We will only collect the personal data about you that we need to deliver our service, however, we may need to share non personal details with others such as project partners and funders. We may store your data with countries outside the UK, however, these will only be ones which have the same privacy standards required by the EU for its residents. The data you have provided in this form will be used for the following purposes:

·         Project Communications

·         Consultation and Evaluation Monitoring

·         Invites to Engagement Activities

If you do not agree to us using your details in this way, we will be unable to deliver our services to you. Our lawful basis for processing your data is contractual. The type of information that we will share with London Borough of Hillingdon about the people that benefit from our service and its impact on them will be general statistical and summarised information and no individuals will be able to be identified.

We are required by the funder to keep your data for 6 years after which time it will be destroyed. If you have consented for us to use your information for marketing, we will keep it until you notify us that you no longer wish to receive this information. Your personal information will not be shared in a way that makes you identifiable unless you agree to it at a later time or for the purposes outlined in paragraph 2 or in the case of an emergency and data will assist the emergency services.

At any point you can request to see this information and have it corrected or transferred. If you have questions or wish to raise a complaint regarding how we handle your data you can contact Groundwork London’s Data Protection Officer on, write to 18 – 21 Morley Street, London, SE1 7QZ or call 020 7922 1230.

If you still have concerns about how your data is being handled you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113 or visit

Do you consent for us to use and store your data in this way?

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* 15. Your details

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