Helping business leaders to communicate with credibility & authenticity.

52% of IC professionals told us that their business leader (i.e. CEO/ Managing Director) still chooses PowerPoint as their main communication tool at live events. 53% also feel that the ‘fear of presenting’ is a significant barrier for their business leader.

In a world where there’s more pressure than ever on those right at the top of business to communicate with credibility, authenticity and believability, helping them appear more human is critical.

As IC professionals, what can we do to humanise our business leaders and help them make the biggest possible impact?

Here at Top Banana we've made it our mission to collate opinions and thoughts on just how big this issue really is … all we need is your answers to these simple questions. All of your responses will be completely anonymous.

Question Title

* 1. How well does your business leader communicate at company events?

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* 2. Has poor presenting / communication by your business leader had a negative impact on an employee event at your company?

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* 3. Does your business leader seem authentic in a live event situation?

Question Title

* 4. Does your business leader do enough to relate to employees in the audience at your live event?

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* 5. Which of the following does your business leader currently incorporate into their company event presentations:

Question Title

* 6. How important do you think the following is, as part of your business leader's presentations at company events?

  Super Important Reasonably important Not important at all
Audience questions/ polls
Open Q&A 
Personal stories
Employee stories and examples
Strong visuals e.g. infographics, animation
Powerpoint slides
Social media/ enterprise

Question Title

* 7. What do you do, as an IC professional, to help your business leader appear more human to employees at company events?