UK Self-Pay Private Patient Market Study 2022

10% of survey complete.
Thank you for agreeing to take part in this research about the UK self-pay private patient market. The survey should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete.

The questions relate solely to the self-pay (non-insured) market for surgery, and EXCLUDE cosmetic surgery patients.

We define self-pay surgery as that which is not covered by private medical insurance. The research relates to the UK private patient market; international patients are excluded from the research. NHS funded patients are excluded from the research.

Complete the survey IN FULL by 17 February 2023 and you will receive a free copy of the summary report when it is published in April 2023.

Thank you for your time. If you are happy to be contacted to explore some of these themes in more detail, please include your contact phone numbers in the next section.